When it comes to urban education, the news is almost always negative. Poor academic performance, abysmal graduation rates and unruly classrooms have become the norm. Students have suffered because of these failures, often falling through the cracks.
Yet there are schools in Milwaukee that defy the odds, showing that success is not only possible, but should be the expectation - even for schools that cater to students facing significant obstacles outside the classroom. One of those schools is Milwaukee Academy of Science (MAS).
Our guest on this episode of Voices of Freedom is Anthony McHenry, CEO of MAS, a STEM-focused, K4-12 charter school whose mission is to graduate urban students prepared to compete at the post-secondary level. McHenry discusses what’s behind MAS’s success and how to offer more opportunities for students to get ahead.
Topics Discussed on this Episode:
Anthony McHenry has been CEO of MAS since 2016. Under his leadership, MAS has increased enrollment, entered into new partnerships and improved academic outcomes. MAS has also developed one of the area’s top school athletic programs. Prior to joining MAS, McHenry served for nearly 20 years as executive director of the Silver Spring Neighborhood Center in Milwaukee’s Westlawn neighborhood.